Gobble-Gobble Gourdy: A Quickly Crafted Critter

Gourd Turkey by rlcMeet Gobble-Gobble Gourdy. Created from a fresh gourd and an old pine cone, Gourdy will happily guard your display of Thanksgiving pies or take respite under a colorful fall bouquet.



Craft Materials:Gobble Gobble Gourdy set up

  • 1 colorful gourd, fresh or dried
  • 1 large pine cone with open seed scales
  • 1 small cone
  • Hot glue gun
  • Small saw or bolt cutter for severing stem


Craft Steps:

Determine how your gourd will sit and where you want to attach the head. Heat up your glue gun.

Using the largest pine cone, break or cut the very end of the fattest section. This will be the tail section of your turkey. (Note: The stem of a pine cone is quite tough so be prepared to build up an appetite.) Hot glue this end piece to the largest end of the gourd.

Gobble Gobble Gourdy back

From the remains of the large pine cone, pull off a few of the larger scales. These will be the tall tail feathers. Hot glue them to the sloping part of the gourd just above the end piece.

Glue the small pine cone into place at the small end of the gourd. This will be the turkey’s head.

Gourd Turkey front view by rlcnt

Add a snood for detail: (The snood is the fleshy part that hangs over a turkey’s beak.) From the remains of the large pine cone, pull off one small scale. Glue this onto one side of the turkey’s head.
